NC P-1 Plumbing Exam Prep Course - One Day/GoToMeeting



Invest in your success! TTI students pass their plumbing exam the first time because they’re prepared to answer any of the possible 1500 questions from the ICC's exam database. CLASS COVERS BOTH THE BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL EXAMS

Class Location: GoToMeeting (Links emailed 2 days prior to class date)

Class time: 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.

Tuition includes TTI's Plumbing Exam Prep - Student Manual & Study Guide and ICC's NC Plumbing Code-Study Companion Set, shipped prior to class. Your exam prep program cover hundreds of sample test questions, teaching you to use your code books and apply the simple techniques.

Note: Your P-1 Codebooks should be tabbed prior to class using TTI's recommended tabbing guide, order the board-approved Redi-Tag Tabs-100 ct. from the TTI Contractor Bookstore, visit

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